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How can separated parents make arrangements for their children?

05 July 2019

How to use a Handover Book to ease communication


When parents separate it is often difficult for them to communicate over arrangements for the children. A Handover Book is a simple and effective way for parents to communicate. It helps everyone know what is happening and when.

The long term aim of the Handover Book is to improve communication between the parents.  Initially the Handover Book is used to reduce conflict between separated parents. It also offers children the opportunity to see their parents working together.

The Handover Book enables the children to participate, to have a voice and express their needs in the book.

The Book is invaluable as it deals with practicalities such as contact arrangements, sharing important information about health needs and appointments, education, food likes and dislikes, bathroom and bedtime routines.

The Handover Book costs £20 and further information can be found at www.thehandoverbook.co.uk.

For practical and compassionate advice in relation to Child Arrangement Orders, please contact Resolution member Jane Pilcher.

The firm’s specialist Family and Children lawyers are based at our Lansdowne office (13 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 3JY).

Please phone 01202 294411or E-Mail: jane.pilcher@absolicitors.com for an appointment.


Please note this is not legal advice. It is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.

Further Information